Berry Services' objective for 2025 is to continue developing and advancing the company's three business sectors: logistics, compliance, and second-hand goods processing. To this end, equipment modernization will continue. The warehouse lighting will be replaced with LED lighting. A self-consumption electricity generation system will be implemented by equipping the warehouse roof with photovoltaic panels. A time and attendance management and activity time management solution will be deployed. We will also continue preparing for the building's expansion with the deployment of a fully automated, state-of-the-art garment conveyor system.
2025 turnover : In progress.
In a very sluggish economic climate that has created difficulties for many players in the fashion sector, Berry Services has managed to generally maintain its level of activity by integrating new clients. Production equipment has been modernized: among other things, Berry Services has implemented a much more environmentally friendly Aqua Cleaning solution. An IT department, composed of an IT director and a work-study IT engineer, is now fully operational. A major study on the prevention of psychosocial risks (PSR) within the company has been launched.
2024 turnover : 4,535,000 euros.
The growth of Berry Services has been confirmed, with turnover more than doubling in two years. The three main sectors of activity of Berry Services have progressed: second hand which, as it becomes more widespread, is of interest to more and more brands, logistics, boosted by the arrival of new customers and re-compliance, the historic activity of Berry Services, which is starting, has regained its level of activity before the COVID period. To absorb this growth and prepare for the coming years, Berry Services is modernizing and adapting to new markets: a new staff structure has been put in place, notably the creation of a Deputy Director position, the IT network has been completely redesigned and resized, the “WMS” workshop management software was updated and adapted, the warehouse was redeveloped to optimize space, the hanging storage capacity was doubled, the refectory was enlarged and redeveloped into a more modern and more friendly place.
2023 turnover : 5,565,000 euros, i.e. a growth rate of over 41%.
The year 2022 is the year of a new start, Berry Services is preparing and laying the foundations for a new pace of activity divided into three categories in the processing of Fashion articles: logistics, including the preparation of orders B to C, the booming second hand and historic compliance activity. To complement its expertise in Fashion, Berry Services trains its staff in leather trades. The photo-taking activity is now completely integrated and controlled, 4 photo-taking stations are operational.
2022 turnover : 3,937,000 euros, i.e. a growth rate of over 50%.
Berry Services has almost generally returned to its pre-COVID level of activity. The activity of bringing into compliance, even if it is growing up, is still significantly below and has not yet returned to its level of two or three years ago. On the other hand, the activity related to e-commerce has developed well, with existing customers and new customers. And, 2021 is the year of the start of second-hand processing, a booming market in which Berry Services has been able to highlight real expertise. During the year, Berry Services set up a new photo-taking activity, particularly for second-hand items, and began to perform subcontracting ADV services on behalf of a first client. In 2021, Berry Services hired 4 new people.
2021 turnover : 2,632,000 euros.
Like all stakeholders in the fashion industry, Berry Services has been hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis. Most of Berry Services' clients have seen their activity decrease and several major customers have even wound up their companies. Although Berry Services has been present throughout the whole crisis and lockdowns, primarily to ensure the shipment of orders placed on its customers’ websites, Berry Services’ activity completely collapsed during the months of March, April, May and June 2020. In all, over the year, Berry Services’ turnover dropped by almost 30%. The new services directly linked to COVID, such as the production of masks and gowns and protective equipment logistics, were not enough to offset the drop in turnover. Berry Services had to resort to short-time working, but the company's future was secured without having to make redundancies.
2020 turnover : 2,086,000 euros.
For the first time, Berry Services had a stand at the Made in France Première Vision show in Paris. Berry Services has developed and added to the embroidery services it offers by investing in two new embroidery machines and equipping itself with machinery for transferring designs onto textiles. Despite the gradual closure of one of their major customers, the Berry Services company is limiting the decrease in turnover by welcoming new customers.
2019 turnover : 2,780,000 euros.
Berry Services celebrated its 20th anniversary ! For the occasion, the company is organizing an open house for staff and their families and invites all of its employees, accompanied by their spouses, to an anniversary dinner. The Berry Services website has been completely redesigned and updated. This new, fully upgradeable site lists all the services in detail and shows many examples of achievements. Berry Services completes its range of equipment and acquires a 15 thread embroidery machine and a fabric inspection machine.
2018 turnover : 2,944,000 euros.
Berry Services acquires washing and drying equipment. The integration of these washing services, which were previously outsourced to local companies, enables the company to improve responsiveness and service quality.
2015 turnover : 2,730,000 euros.
Berry Services expands its range of sewing equipment. Berry Services gets a new logo. This new visual identity, a clothes mannequin bust, strengthens the company's position in the fashion industry.
2014 turnover : 3,200,000 euros.
Berry Services acquires high-performance, modern equipment to create and print labels: composition labels and barcode labels, which enables the company to improve responsiveness and to guarantee its customers even shorter lead times.
2013 turnover : 2,590,000 euros.
The new warehouse extension is operational, an additional 1,700 m² hall over 3 levels, entirely dedicated to order picking, bringing the total surface area up to 10,000 m².
2012 turnover : 2,480,000 euros.
To welcome its new logistics customers, Berry Services undertakes the construction of a new extension to its warehouse, building an additional 1,700 m² hall spread over 3 levels. The company exhibits for the first time at the E-Commerce exhibition in Paris.
2011 turnover : 3,110,000 euros.
Berry Services expands its uncreasing equipment and acquires a high-performance, high-capacity steam tunnel : 1,500 items per hour. With the arrival of several new order picking customers, the company strengthens its IT resources: implementation of warehouse management software, development of computer data exchanges with customers, acquisition of barcode reader terminals, etc. To adapt to its new customers and even better meet their needs, Berry Services undergoes restructuring and sets up a logistics service.
2010 turnover : 3,120,000 euros, i.e. a growth rate of over 20%.
Despite the global economic crisis, Berry Services more or less maintains its level of activity. The company offers a new service - returns management, including item sorting and bringing goods into compliance.
2009 turnover : 2,590,000 euros.
Berry Services celebrates its 10th anniversary and organises an open day for staff and their families to mark the occasion. With these 10 years of experience, Berry Services is recognised as the specialist in ready-to-wear logistics. The scope and quality of its services win over a large number of customers. The company continues to invest in new equipment.
2008 turnover : 2,880,000 euros.
Berry Services begins operating in e-commerce logistics. The company is named second best French company in terms of customer service development performance, by Business Leaders of France (DCF). Berry Services receives the Logistics Innovation Prize at the International Transport and Logistics Exhibition in Paris, in recognition of its comprehensive offer designed for professionals in the ready-to-wear clothing industry.
2007 turnover : 2,770,000 euros.
Berry Services sets up a works council. The company is awarded the "Forces PME" Prize by the Confédération Générale des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises and Figaro Magazine for the development of its workforce. For the second year running, Berry Services is awarded the 2006 Gazelle Prize by the Ministry of SMEs for very high growth companies.
2006 turnover : 2,560,000 euros.
Berry Services expands (an additional 3,000 m², for a total of 5,000 m²) its warehouse once again and modernises it: installation of a pallet rack for storing pallets and a rail conveyor system for the storage and handling of garments on hangers. The company is now able to offer all logistics services. Berry Services is awarded the 2005 Gazelle Prize by the Ministry of SMEs for companies with a growth rate of over 30% over the last two years.
2005 turnover : 2,530,000 euros, i.e. a growth rate of over 20%.
In addition to reconditioning and repairs, Berry Services offers a new service: order picking for shops.
2004 turnover : 2,070,000 euros, i.e. a growth rate of over 60%.
Berry Services expands its warehouse by 1,500 m², bringing the surface area up to 2,000 m². The company continues its development in ready-to-wear reconditioning and expands its range of clothes-making equipment.
2001 turnover : 770,000 euros.
Berry Services acquires ironing equipment: ironing tables and steam mannequins and expands its sewing machine equipment, primarily for alterations.
2000 turnover : 380,000 euros.